Welcome to our resource area for community organizers—nonprofit leaders, economic development professionals, and government officials—and those looking to create aggregated pools of capital for local investing. Here, you will find a series of how-to guides and other resources that support you in catalyzing locally-sourced investments in local small businesses.



Local investing groups are driven by a common inspiration to put money to work for the mutual benefit of investors, the local businesses they invest in, and the community as a whole. They can be an important force in driving local economic development, effectively...

Getting Started

Getting Started

So, let’s say you want to be part of a local investing group. If there is a local investing group functioning in your community already, it would be best to join forces with them, since there is usually more to be gained by working together rather than separately. If...

Your Local Investing Group Is Up & Running. Now What?

Your Local Investing Group Is Up & Running. Now What?

There are four core activities that high-functioning local investing groups need to be able to perform consistently. Here is the quick list, and then we will dive into greater detail on each. 1. Self-organize by holding periodic business meetings 2. Build the local...

Special Considerations for Investment Clubs

Special Considerations for Investment Clubs

Investment clubs have a long history in the United States as a way for people to gather socially, pool their money, evaluate potential investments together, and make collective investment decisions. The vast majority of investment clubs focus on the stock market. To...

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

To recap, here is a helpful reminder of important Dos and Don’ts: 1. DO ensure your group has connected with respected members of the community and shared its mission with them. Community outreach events are great for building this kind of support. 2. DON'T accept...